Performance. kamp-- amplitude factor.. oscil1 accesses values by sampling once through the function table at a rate determined by the first idel seconds, the point of scan will reside at the first location of the table; it will then begin moving through the table at a constant rate, reaching the end in another idur seconds; from that time on (i.e. after idel + idur seconds) it will. (New in Csound ). If this value is not known or not present, use 1 here and in kcps. imod1, imod2 (optional, default=-1) -- play modes for the sustain and release loops. A value of 1 denotes normal looping, 2 denotes forward backward looping, 0 denotes no looping. The default value (-1) will defer to the mode and the looping points given. foscil is a composite unit that effectively banks two oscil opcodes in the familiar Chowning FM setup, wherein the audio-rate output of one generator is used to modulate the frequency input of another (the “ carrier ”). Effective carrier frequency = kcps * xcar, and modulating frequency = kcps * xmod.
They alone have the capability of creating sounds. [Note: the csound manual refers to certain units that I have classified as control generators as signal generators.] The most important signal generator is the oscillator, of which there are actually several kinds: ar oscil xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs] ar oscili xamp, xcps, ifn[, iphs]. The first method uses Csound's global variables so that an audio variable created in one instrument and be read in another instrument. There are several points to highlight here. First the global audio variable that is use to send audio the reverb instrument is initialized to zero (silence) in the header area of the orchestra. Netscape will open up the Csound manual at the correct page. Once you have entered a valid orchestra and a valid score (in the score pane), bring up the Main window, select DAC (for real-time output) and press Play.
L'opcode oscil génère des signaux de contrôle (ou audio) constitués de la valeur de kamp (xamp) fois la valeur de la lecture au taux de contrôle (ou au taux audio) d'une table de fonction stockée. La phase interne est simultanément incrémentée selon la valeur en entrée de kcps ou de xcps. La table ifn est parcourue par incrément. The oscil opcode generates periodic control (or audio) signals consisting of the value of kamp (xamp) times the value returned from control rate (audio rate) sampling of a stored function table. The internal phase is simultaneously advanced in accordance with the kcps or xcps input value. oscili differs from oscil in that the standard procedure of using a truncated phase as a sampling index is here replaced by a process that interpolates between two successive lookups. Interpolating generators will produce a noticeably cleaner output signal, but they may take as much as twice as long to run.