Food Security and Livelihoods Assessments: A Practical Guide for Field Workers Based on Action Against Hunger’s experiences and investigations over the past 10 years in the field, this manual highlights technical tools and intervention principles that can be implemented in . During the self-assessment, sites can identify potential areas of exposure, or “gaps” in the site’s security measures. Once the gaps are identified, countermeasures (such as program or process improvements or physical security hardware upgrades) can be used to bridge or fix the gaps. Food security assessment and the link with nutrition MODULE 9 PART 1: FACT SHEET 1 The fact sheet is part one of four parts in this module. It provides an overview of assessing food security in emergency situat ions. Detailed technical information is covered in part two. Key messages 1. Food security means access by all people at all times to.
accurate. This manual is designed to provide agencies with the basic tools to collect the data necessary for planning direct interventions in an emergency setting. 3 The manual is divided into two sections: the assessment of nutritional status and death rates, and the examination of the food security situation. A livelihoods approach is used as it is aimed at support livelihoods, as well as saving lives. In terms of food-security assessments, a livelihoods approach involves assessing the longer-term. assesses food security. The purpose of a food-security assessment is to determine the need, if any, for a food-security intervention. The type of intervention is influenced by the severity of food insecurity. This may be determined from two perspectives: first, by assessing whether people are able to meet their.
I. ASSESSMENT TOOLS 1. Hour Assessment Tool: Food Security Livelihoods in First Phase Emergency Improving Nutrition Programs: An Assessment Tool for Action 2. Assessing How Agricultural Technologies Can Change Gender Dynamics and Food Security Outcomes Improving Nutrition with Agricultural Biodiversity 3. Barrier Analysis During the self-assessment, sites can identify potential areas of exposure, or “gaps” in the site’s security measures. Once the gaps are identified, countermeasures (such as program or process improvements or physical security hardware upgrades) can be used to bridge or fix the gaps. Country: This Handbook is intended for use when an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA).