1- fs czhb fm transmitter 1- gve 12v a power supply 1- rubber duck whip antenna 1- signal to noise ratio:instruction manual optional accessories: phihong 12v a power supply economy telescopic antenna rangebooster grd plane antenna antenna design: rangemax grd plane antenna rangebooster grd plane antenna. · I have a CZHA by HLLY and it is alright. But I was wondering if anyone knew some good mods for it like boosting output power or changing . HLLY CZHA Transmitter. USA TV CH 5 With HLLY Off. Same channel with EDM on. Interference caused to USA TV ch 3 by HLLY CZHA Transmitter. Transmitter was set to Mhz @ 1 watt.
CZHA 15W FM Transmitter Manual. This product uses a new generation of Japanese ROHM's chip FM stereo radio emission (BHF) Seiko-produced. This machine looks beautiful, with gold-plated aluminum chassis fully closed, compact structure, shielding is good, solid firm, due to. FM Transmitter Wired Remote User Manual. Bw broadcast fm TX V3 transmitter. Description. "HLLY" transmitters are particularly low in price and are sold from China-- but may suffer from harmonics/spurs, so 'buyer beware'. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.
Have been trying to download the control software and manual for my CZE15B but the links don’t work, can you email me a copy please. Nero. admin /03/31 at Demonstração do transmissor FM HLLY CZHA utilizando uma antena dipolo vertical em meia onda para uma direção consegui 12 Km, outro lado 10 Km e ja recebi. FMUSER FUA CZEA 15W FM transmitter User www.doorway.ru Date/9/10 Hits: 【Click to download】Click to download】.