IREM VOL II CON T E NTS. CHAPTER Scale for paid Establishment. Training of staff. Quarters for staff. Deputation of Railway servants. Protective measures against defalcation and thefts. Railway men’s Consumer Co-operative Societies. 2 4 Other local bodies X X V. Indian Railways Establishment Code Volume - II Manual for fusion Welding of Rail By the Alumino-Thermic Process Indian Railways Code for Traffic (Commercial) Department. (ii) DoPT's 0M dated Rule on Civil side are Rule of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol. Il, as Rule of "Indian Railway Administration and Finance" and Rule of "Indian Railway Establishment Manual". The Authorities stipulated therein and in the relevant SOPs as competent to sanction advances, etc. as.
Railway institutes and Clubs. 2 4 Railway men's Consumer Co-operative Societies. 2 4 Other local bodies X X V. Rules for the recognition of service Associations of Railway servants P A R T 'A' 25 0 Rules for the recognition of service Associations of Gazetted Railway servants. PA R T 'B' 25 1 (Z À ] /Z µ o } } v í î X ì ñ X î ì î ì *29((17 2),1',$ 0,1,< 2) 5$,/:$<6 5$,/:$< %2$5' / v ] v Z ] o Á Ç o ] Z u v }. COMERCIAL MANUAL Vol. - II: This book is published by the Railway Board and contains rules connected with goods traffic, catering establishment, Railway's Monetary liability and prescription of Percentage charge, etc. with procedures for performing day to day work at stations. INDIAN RAILWAY CODE FOR TRAFFIC (C0MMERCIAL) DEPARTMENT.
INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL Volume I (Revised Edition) (Embodying All Correction Slips issued upto ,dated ) PREFACTORY NOTE The first Manual for the guidance of staff dealing with Establishment matters was published in This edition embodied all administrative orders on Code rules and allied Establishment matters. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA M INIS TRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL WAY BOARD)INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL Volume II (Revised Edition) (Embodying All Correction Slips issued upto 11,dated ). Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol-II. Novem admin. Chapter No. Subject. Chapter-XVII. Railway quarters and recovery of rent (Rule No to ) Chapter-XVIII. Attachment of pay and allowances for debt (Rule No to ) Chapter-XIX.