Action research arm test manual

The Action Research Arm Test (ARA or ARAT) is an observational test used to determine upper limb function. It was first described in as a modification of an earlier test, the Upper Extremity Function Test (UEFT) (Carroll, ) and was designed to assess recovery in the upper limb following cortical damage.  · The ARAT's is a 19 item measure divided into 4 sub-tests (grasp, grip, pinch, and gross arm movement). Performance on each item is rated on a 4-point ordinal scale ranging from: 3) Performs test normally. 2) Completes test, but takes abnormally long or has great difficulty. 1) Performs test www.doorway.runt Time: (; ). Action Research Arm Test: Rating ICC rho Grasp Excellent Grip Excellent Pinch Excellent Gross movement Excellent Total score Excellent Fugl-Meyer Test, arm section Motor function Rating ICC rho A Shoulder/elbow/forearm Excellent 0 B Wrist Excellent

Weekly Research Reviews - Let us find and review the most influential research for you. Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) Activity Card Sort (ACS) Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE-III or ACE-R) - (The Short Form) Manual Ability Measure (MAM) Maternal Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES). The Action Research Arm Test is a reliable test for the evaluation of arm- and hand function. The test is bundled with a clear manual, a set of score forms and a CD with an instruction video. The test results can be used to evaluate treatment progress, to communicate information between specialists and for correspondence. Van der Lee JH, De Groot V, Beckerman H, Wagenaar RC, Lankhorst GJ, Bouter LM: The intra- and interrater reliability of the action research arm test: A practical test of upper extremity function in patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab. , /apmr CAS Article Google Scholar

The ARAT's is a 19 item measure divided into 4 sub-tests (grasp, grip, pinch, and gross arm movement). Performance on each item is rated on a 4-point ordinal scale ranging from: 3) Performs test normally. 2) Completes test, but takes abnormally long or has great difficulty. 1) Performs test partially. Arm rehabilitation measurement: ARM; manual for performance and scoring of the Fugl-Meyer test (arm section), Action Research Arm test and the Box-and-Block test. First published in Subjects. Medicine, OUR Brockhaus selection. Manual for Performing and Scoring the ARAT OVERVIEW OF THE ACTION RESEARCH ARM TEST The final Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) score is the sum of the scores from 19 tests spread across each of 4 subscales6: grasp, grip, pinch, and gross movement. Items in each subscale are arranged in a hierarchical order of difficulty.


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