Brand: Codan: Repair kit for this type of radio - new PCB without parts, new front panel with all switches, case, RF and comm sockets, DC cable, etc. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Postage and handling. This item can be sent to United States, . (X2) , , 93IPCC: and Manuals Technical Service Manual Addendum. Assembly Drawings Click to view list. Option Drawings Click to view list. Schematic Drawings Click to view list. Codan /X2 (X-2) Radio Transceiver Programming Cable/Lead. Programming Cable for Codan /X2 (X-2) mobile radios. Connects directly to PC serial port, no additional equipment required. High-quality, all-in-one replacement for the Codan interface cable. DSUB-9 (9 pin) serial connector, no adapter or batteries required.
Index of /userfiles Name Last modified Size Description: Parent Directory - (1).xml: K. guide by on-line. This online message Codan b Manual can be one of the options to [PDF] Codan b Manual Codan b Manual Codan Communications is a leading designer and manufacturer of premium communications equipment for High Frequency (HF) and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) applications. Codan b Manual - Online Library Codan b Manual Codan b Manual As recognized, adventure as with ease as experience approximately lesson, amusement, as with ease as treaty can be gotten by just checking out a ebook codan b manual as well as it is not directly done, you could allow even more.
Local Control LCD Display Board AUD $ Programming Lead / Cable-Codan / / / AUD $ Codan / X2 Channel Manuals Downloads: para mayor informaci n consulta el manual de la Codan , Codan , Codan , Codan , Codan NGT AR, Codan NGT ARv, Codan NGT ASR, Codan NGT. modelo , el cual se menciona en todos los documentos relacionados con la aprobación del transceptor. En este manual, el transceptor es llamado X Documentos Adicionales Si es necesario programar al X-2, refiérase a la guía de programación XP. Esta guía esta disponible como un documento separado, con el número Codan Part No: (X2) , , 93IPCC: and Manuals Technical Service Manual Addendum. Assembly Drawings.